Know the Different Forms of Traumatic Brain Injury
Perhaps Traumatic Brain Injury can be considered as one of the most life-threatening injury that can occur to a person. This type of damage often happens when a trauma caused great impact to the brain and among its most common cause is a slip and fall incident.
The Pennsylvania slip and fall lawyer have seen the progress of a slip and fall injury case and there are times that the proceedings become too emotional because of the unexpected damages that has incurred to the victim. The slip and fall accident lawyer in Pennsylvania knows that there are differences between an open head injury. While the former leaves all the potential damages perceptible, the closed head injury can really catch a person unprepared for a worsened situation.
Traumatic Brain Injuries can be classified into two types, the primary and the secondary. The primary injuries are the injuries attained right after the moment of the accident and the examples for these are contusions and blood vessel damage. Meanwhile the secondary injuries are the damages sustained as an indirect result of the accident that happened. Reduced blood and oxygen flow, edema, and more severe injuries of the brain that affects the bodily functions are the examples of this type of injury.
Traumatic Brain Injury may differ in severity but for sure the damages acquired due to such type of injury would have so much effect on a person that may really appear to be so much to handle and at the event of such incident, it s always best recommended to seek the help of legal experts to make sure that justice would be rightfully served.
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