Safety Measures for Bicycle Riders
As the roads become more condensed with vehicles and as people continue to find ways to have an affordable means of transportation, traveling on a bicycle would continue to be a popular choice for the public. But as the popularity grows, it is so sad to note that bicycle crash accidents have also risen.
Bicycle could cause severe damage to a person; some cases have become so alarming because such cases caused the lives of the persons involved.
It would be very difficult to stop a person from riding a bike because it is a way of upholding a person’s privilege; the best thing that a concerned person could do is to make sure that safety measures are taken while riding a bicycle.
Bicycle could cause severe damage to a person; some cases have become so alarming because such cases caused the lives of the persons involved.
It would be very difficult to stop a person from riding a bike because it is a way of upholding a person’s privilege; the best thing that a concerned person could do is to make sure that safety measures are taken while riding a bicycle.
- Bicycle riders should make sure that a helmet is on even on short trips.
- It is best for riders to wear bright clothing or reflective gears especially at night so that they would be very visible.
- Be very careful when crossing an intersection. Stop or use a horn to make sure that the way is clear.
- Call the attention of other people that may not be aware that you are passing. This way possible collision would be prevented.
- Parents should be a role model for kids. Have you ever heard of the saying “practice what you preach”? It would be easier to impose rules when one is setting a good example to others.
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